Proprietary Targeted Digital Campaigns

Category: Consumer Awareness Campaigns
Time frame: December 2020–March 2021
Location: Ontario and Quebec
Status: Completed

From December 2020 to March 2021, CCC deployed an 8-week social media campaign focused on increasing the public’s awareness about recycling cartons. The campaign shared sponsored posts on Facebook and Google. These posts encouraged consumers in Ontario and Quebec to learn more about carton recycling by watching an at-home carton recycling video or by taking a quiz and answering a series of myth-busting questions about recycling.

The campaign achieved significant reach. After 8 weeks:

  • Campaign posts generated more than 5 million impressions;
  • CCC’s video on carton recycling was played a total of 652,429 times;
  • 281,298 people engaged on our social media posts through likes, comments and clicks;
  • 12,366 people responded to CCC’s quiz.

To support local awareness efforts, CCC also launched an updated Image and Ad Bank, featuring all the ads from the campaign, in addition to carton images that can be used by partners and stakeholders in their own education efforts. All of these can be customized to support targeted education efforts.

For more information: Highlights from Province-wide Consumer Awareness Campaigns (PDF)

Category: Consumer Awareness Campaigns
Time frame: November–December 2018
Location: Ontario
Status: Completed

From November 1 to December 17, 2018, Carton Council of Canada conducted a Facebook ad campaign. The primary audience consisted of occasional recyclers in Ontario with curbside recycling access (primarily women age 25-54). The objectives were as follows:

  • Educate consumers about what food and beverage cartons are;
  • Demonstrate how to recycle food and beverage cartons to consumers and explain the benefits of doing so, including the ability for cartons to have an “afterlife” when they are recycled into new products;
  • Test effectiveness of various carton recycling messaging, creative, and platform delivery options;
  • Increase awareness of Carton Council of Canada and engagement with Carton Council of Canada and our content.

The campaign featured canvas ads, videos, and a quiz, and generated 990,025 impressions.