Are you a recycling champion?

Are you a recycling champion?

It’s official. I am a bona fide recycling champion! I know because I rocked the quiz. Recycling is a serious business and the heart of this quiz is also serious: to help consumers challenge what they think they know about what belongs in the recycling bin and...
Recycling Cartons: Myths vs Facts

Recycling Cartons: Myths vs Facts

We heard you loud and clear. You’re recycling your food and beverage cartons but your friends and neighbors are not. We’re here to help! Use the cheat sheet below to bust myths and convert them into recycling heroes. Fact: Cartons are mainly made from paper. What...
Reflecting on Waste Reduction Week

Reflecting on Waste Reduction Week

This week across Canada individuals, organizations and businesses will consider how and what they contribute to their nations’ waste reduction efforts. The scope of Waste Reduction Week includes a very broad range of local and regional events, awareness campaigns, and...
Teach them well…

Teach them well…

There are few social movements that omit children from their list of important audiences. Just ask any parent who has been coached by their child to quit smoking, put their cell phones away at dinner or recycle their empty containers. Social marketers understand that...
Keeping consumers on track

Keeping consumers on track

One of our biggest challenges and most important roles has always been educating consumers about how to recycle. Recycling programs world-wide are in the process of adjusting to the effects China’s stricter regulations for recycled materials has had on global markets....
What’s measured gets managed

What’s measured gets managed

It’s an old chestnut of business wisdom, but it may be truer now than ever before. As China’s National Sword cuts deeply into many of our recycling programs it has become more important to understand the effects of news about our sector on our operating environment. ...