Carton Council Canada Blog
Innovation and Modernization in Canada’s Deposit Return System Landscape
The majority of Deposit Return Systems (DRS) around the world limit the scope of targeted beverage containers to bottles and cans. In Canada, however, modernization and innovation have resulted in DRS that are broader in scope and include beverage cartons. In...
How Ontario’s new province-wide Blue Box collection system is taking shape and what it means for cartons
A major milestone was reached this summer in the transformation of Ontario’s Blue Box recycling program into a fully producer-led model. Circular Materials together with RYSE Solutions, who are the two full-service producer responsibility organizations (PRO) acting on...
More Municipalities are Accepting Cartons in their Recycling Program . . . Could Yours Be Next?
Although carton recycling enjoys a high level of accessibility in Canada (i.e., about 90% of households have access to carton recycling in Canada), some residents still cannot recycle cartons through their local residential program. All is not lost, however, as the...
Carton Recycling’s Changing Landscape: A Pan-Canadian Snapshot
Note: this blog was originally published on April 5th but was updated on April 20th to reflect developments pertaining to the Ontario Blue Box Regulation. The landscape for carton recycling in Canada continues to evolve. In 2022, we have seen – and will continue to...
SNEAK PEEK: Insights from Community Education Awards
In June 2021, the Carton Council of Canada (CCC) launched our Community Education Award program developed to incentivize and improve recycling education in communities across Ontario. Organizations that registered for the program before the end of July now have until...
CBCRA’S RECYCLE EVERYWHERE: Successfully Navigating Away-From-Home Recycling
The Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) was founded in 2010. The not-for-profit, industry-funded organization offers consumers a way to recycle empty beverage containers at home and out and about within the community. CBCRA was created when the...