Summer 2024 Newsletter

Volume 11, Issue 1

Carton Council of Canada Launches 2024 Community Education Award in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

In April, Carton Council of Canada (CCC) launched the fourth edition of its Community Education Award (CEA). The program was developed to support and enhance recycling education in Canadian communities.

This year, the CEA will focus on Canada’s Prairie Provinces. The program has previously worked with organizations in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada.

The first fifteen organizations to register for the 2024 program will be eligible to receive $2,000 each by demonstrating their proactive recycling education efforts, featuring food and beverage cartons.

Once registered, participating communities/organizations must:

  • Show that their websites accurately and clearly define carton recycling;
  • Provide at least two other examples of communications activities conducted during the year that promote recycling ingeneral, while also prominently featuring cartons.

Also, for the first time, each participating organization’s submission will be automatically considered to receive either a first, second or third place award of merit ($3,000, $2,000 and $1,000 respectively). Submissions will be evaluated for the awards of merit based on the following criteria: demonstrated communication improvement, utilization of the Carton Council best practices toolkit, community participation (e.g., number of likes, number of participants in an event if applicable, etc.), and number of activities.

Key dates

  • June 21, 2024: Deadline for organizations to register
  • November 1, 2024: Deadline for participating organizations to submit their entry

More details and the link to the registration form can be found on CCC’s website.