Community Education Award Program
Carton Council of Canada to Award Grants for Proactive Municipal Recycling EducationThe Carton Council of Canada (CCC) announces the 2021 Community Education Award recipients
The Carton Council of Canada’s 2021 Community Education Award program is now closed. The Community Education Award program was developed to incentivize and improve recycling education in communities across Ontario.
To meet the requirements of the program, participating organizations were required to:
- Ensure their website accurately and clearly conveyed that food and beverage cartons are accepted and should be recycled.
Municipal websites are the top place residents look to determine recyclability of a package (along with the packaging itself). While the award was focused on food and beverage cartons, we recognize the importance of education to promote recycling in general. Participants were expected to ensure that their website accurately and clearly conveyed that food and beverage cartons are accepted and should be recycled based on best practices mentioned above.
- Provide at least two other examples of communications and/or marketing activities conducted during the specified campaign period that promoted recycling in general, while also prominently including cartons.
Suggested examples included:
- Social Media – Examples of how the organization used social media to engage with residents and educate them on what and how to recycle, including cartons
- Marketing Materials – Items such as direct mail, bill stuffers, bin stickers, refrigerator magnets, brochures or other marketing initiatives
- Events – Virtual or in-person events designed to educate and promote recycling to residents
- Advertising or Public Service Announcements – Paid or donated space or time that promotes recycling
- Earned Media – Articles in local media that promote recycling
- Other – Any other activity used to promote recycling in local programs not already described
The deadline for submissions was November 26, 2021. Thirteen organizations in Ontario successfully completed the program and will receive $2,000 for showcasing their proactive recycling education efforts featuring food and beverage cartons.
The Carton Council of Canada (CCC) is pleased to announce the 2021 Community Education Award recipients
Thirteen organizations in Ontario successfully completed the program. Each organization will receive $2,000 for successfully showcasing their proactive recycling education efforts featuring food and beverage cartons.
Successful participants include:
- County of Wellington
- Municipality of Mississippi Mills
- Municipality of Dysart et al
- Municipality of Trent Lakes
- Rexdale Women’s Centre – Share and Reuse Spaces (Toronto)
- Town of Carleton Place
- Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan
- Township of Drummond/North Elmsley
- Township of Montague
- Township of Nipissing
- Township of Southgate
- Township of Southwold
- Wollaston Township
CCC extends their congratulations to each of the successful award recipients.
Who was eligible?
In 2021, the award program was open to Ontario-based organizations that educate residents about their local recycling program. This included:
- municipalities,
- services boards,
- solid waste authorities,
- First Nations communities, and
- not-for-profit organizations/association providing residential recycling services on behalf of, or for municipalities.
Community Education Award Program Terms and Conditions
Details about the 2022 Community Education Award program are coming soon.
For any questions, please contact Carton Council of Canada.